Why Your Website’s Conversion Rate Matters (and How To Improve It)


Are you happy with the number of website visitors who turn into paying customers? If not, you’re in good company. Most businesses would like to improve their conversion rate (percentage of website visitors who become customers). This is a given as it means that you are getting more business. 

However, this can be tricky and involve different steps, one of which is performing a website audit. You should consider getting assistance from a CRO Agency in the UK. We highly recommend it to be done by a professional agency such as Figment Agency because that’s the only way to pin down the flaws in your website.

There are also a few other things that you could be doing to boost this conversion rate and gain more paying customers. Continue reading to find out why your website conversion rate matters and why you should improve it. 

What Is a Conversion Rate?

As a business, when it comes to your website, you need to pay attention to the conversion rate, as this is essentially how you can tell how much business you’re getting from your website.

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who visit your website and make a desired action, such as making a purchase or even signing up for your newsletter. These conversion rates are incredibly important because they can indicate how well your website is performing, especially when it comes to achieving its goals. 

Although it may seem good enough to have people just visiting your website, if you have a business and are selling a service or product, it is important to pay attention to these conversion rates. This can be a great indication as to how sufficient your website is and if it needs updating.

Why Does Conversion Rate Matter?

The big question everyone has regarding conversion rates is, why does it matter? It may seem good enough just to have high traffic coming to your website. However, this traffic is seemingly useless if there is no conversion coming out of it.

Conversion rates matter because they are a key metric for determining the success of your website. Essentially, if your website has a lower conversion rate, fewer people are taking the desired action, whether it is purchasing a product or signing up for a newsletter, which can impact your bottom line.

How Can You Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate?

If you have noticed that your website’s conversion rate is low, there are a few ways to improve it. Included in the list of things you could do to improve your website conversion rate is a website audit, optimising your website for search engines, and even creating compelling content.

You could also make sure to focus on creating an effective call to action, offering discounts or incentives that encourage people to visit your website and purchase at the same time, and even making sure that your website is incredibly user-friendly and available on mobile phones.

What Are Some Common Conversion Rate Optimization Mistakes?

Although there are many ways to improve your website conversion rate, there are a few mistakes that people tend to make along the way that can end up causing more harm than good. Some of the most common mistakes impacting your website conversion rate include not having a clear call to action, not optimising your website for search engines, and having a complicated checkout process.

People have also complained about businesses having websites that are not mobile-friendly or easy to use on their mobile devices. A big mistake that people make is not offering discounts or incentives to their target audience or potential customers, which is something they are missing out on.

Improving your website conversion rate is incredibly easy and something you should be paying attention to. There are so many different ways in which you can improve it and make it far better for both you and for your customers. Whether it is improving the website, offering incentives for your customers, improving the website’s usability, and more.

Your website conversion rate is essential and should be one of your top priorities and highest focuses.

