False Reports of A Shooting Cause Mass Panic At Concord Mills Mall


This evening at about 7pm, a fight broke out between two girls inside of the Concord Mills mall.

A minute after the fight started, someone shouted that someone had a gun and panic ensued.

Here is the raw cell phone video of the incident;

@highoff.miiah vs idek #concord #shooting #fights

A post shared by Thatrichkidgeorge@gmail.com (@newwavekyngs) on

Rumors then quickly spread that there was a shooting inside of the mall.

The mall was then briefly put on lockdown while some people hid inside of stores and others were evacuated;

According to the Concord Police Department, there were several reports of gunfire inside the mall, but they have not been able to find any evidence and are now labling the reports as false.

At about 7:30pm this evening, they sent out the following tweet;

at 8:15pm they announced that the mall is still open and no one was injured from the false reports of gunfire;

No arrests have yet been made surrounding the fight or reports of gunfire.

