The Potential Damages You Can Sustain in a Slip-and-Fall Accident


Slip-and-fall accidents are perhaps the most common causes of severe injuries, ER visits, and hospitalizations in the United States and around the world. According to statistics, a fall is the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries. Moreover, estimates also reveal that slip-and-fall accidents account for over one million emergency treatments yearly in the U.S. 

The consequences of injuries associated with slips and falls are not only devastating for the injured individual and their families but are also a concern for insurance companies, negligent parties, and the entire society. 

If you or your loved one is a victim of a slip-and-fall accident resulting from another party’s neglect, you should consult an experienced slip-and-fall lawyer. Adequate legal assistance can help victims of such accidents to claim monetary and non-monetary damages.

What Causes Slip-and-Fall Accidents?

There can be several causes of these accidents, which include the following. 

  • Potholes, 
  • Missing warning signs for tripping, slipping, or uneven surface hazards, 
  • Missing or broken handrails, 
  • Insufficient lighting, 
  • Uneven walkways or broken steps, 
  • Damaged pavements, and 
  • Spillages. 

These accidents can lead to injuries such as bruises, cuts, and scraps to more serious consequences, including fractures and traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. Moreover, in some cases, these accidents can also cause paralysis and permanent loss of mobility. 

Types of Damages the Victim Will Sustain in Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Depending on your injuries and the circumstances of your accident, some of the damages you can sustain following a slip-and-fall accident may include the following. 

Medical Expenses 

When a person injured in a slip-and-fall accident seeks legal assistance, they can expect compensation for their medical bills. The damages included as medical expenses cover all the costs associated with the treatment following an accident, which could encompass

  • The cost of treatment, including hospitalization and any surgical procedures (if required), 
  • The cost of rehabilitative therapies, 
  • The expense of prescription or over-the-counter medications, 
  • Transportation expenses incurred by the accident victim to and from the medical facility, 
  • The cost of medical devices and support equipment that may be required following the accident, including wheelchairs, walkers or crutches, and  
  • The cost of any future medical expense which is related to the accident. 

Lost Income 

The person who suffers from a slip-and-fall accident can experience severe injuries, which contributes to missed days from work, often for extended periods. In such instances, the employer is not liable to pay the employee for missed days at work which leads to lost income. 

The victim of a slip-and-fall accident due to another party’s neglect may be entitled to receive compensation for lost income damages that account for reduced income following a slip-and-fall accident.  

Lost Future Earning Capacity

Certain slip-and-fall accidents lead to permanent disabilities that impact the injured person’s potential for future earnings. A legal expert can help you claim damages for losing future earning capacity. The claim is compensated if the court finds that the victim has a significantly reduced ability to earn money following an accident.

Pain and Suffering

A slip-and-fall accident victim may be legally entitled to compensation for economic damages. However, they can also claim non-economic damages. In situations where the injured person has experienced extreme pain and anguish, which has negatively impacted their quality of life, they may receive compensation for their suffering and lost quality of life. 

Final Words 

While slip-and-fall accidents may entitle the affected individual to claim a range of damages, the process is the most challenging task ever. To claim damages, you must prove that the other party’s negligence caused the accident, which is why it’s best to connect with a seasoned slip-and-fall attorney. 

If you or your loved one has experienced a slip-and-fall accident, it is important to contact a legal expert who rightfully claims the damages you deserve.  

