How to leave a lasting impression on someone and be unforgettable


Not everyone gets the chance to meet you more than once. In fact, not everyone will want to meet you a second time. The first instance isn’t your fault, but the second instance says a lot about the impression you left behind.

Keeping up with communication has become easier with the wide range of social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook, and has been strengthened by more modern platforms like Livebeam. The effect of these platforms tells on the impression you left behind. People who enjoyed the first interaction will want to connect further on those platforms.

Livebeam has been able to create an avenue for genuine conversations and friendships, and it gets stronger each year. However, more on that a little later. 

Let’s get into 5 actionable ways to leave an unforgettable impression on someone after your very first interaction!

1. Listen Attentively

Many people fail to understand the number one thing that people want when discussing with them. We seem to always think that what is required of us the most is a reply – that’s false. 

The first and most important thing a person wants in a conversation is to be listened to.

Once you can master the intricacies of active listening, you are closer to becoming someone’s favorite conversationalist. Active listening involves attentive listening coupled with suitable replies. 

It takes these simple intentional steps to achieve active listening:

  • Listening to understand rather than respond
  • Listening without prejudice or prior expectations
  • Summarizing and reflecting back on what was said
  • Asking questions in and around the subject matter to keep the conversation going.

2. Give Genuine Compliments

Compliments are some of the best things that people love to hear. People love to be told how their dress looks nice, their voice sounds amazing, or how fun it is to be in their company. There’s always room for compliments, it doesn’t matter if it’s a physical conversation or a chat on Livebeam.

A compliment goes a long way in creating emotions that a person will remember for a long time.

Now, there’s a caution here. As much as compliments generate great responses and stick to people’s memories, they have to be genuine. This means you should find characteristics that you actually find to be unique and worthy of a compliment. These are things that stand out or are obvious that the person was intentional about.

3. Find Common Interests

Now ask yourself, what can you talk about that a person will not forget? Obviously,  it has to be something the person cares about. However, you also must have knowledge of the topic. The best way to solve both issues is to find a common ground; a topic or topics that you both enjoy, know, or find interesting.

People connect more with people who talk to them about what they have an interest in.

Here beckons the question, how do you know what they have an interest in? It’s pretty simple – by asking. By simply asking what are a person’s favorite sports, you get a series of answers that could be topic choices – and you can go on from there.

Online, it’s an easier process. You can easily see people’s likes from their descriptions, statuses, and past posts. You could find some of them during an activity. For example, on Livebeam, you can find people while watching similar streams and start a conversation from there.

4. Tell a Story

Only a few things are as fascinating in a conversation as stories. Stories keep attention, are interesting, and can bring people together. It’s a really strong way of keeping someone interested in an era that possesses a declining attention span.

Storytelling has the power to keep people’s attention longer than a normal conversation.

The type of story you tell, how you tell it, and when you tell it should also be put into consideration. Make sure your stories are relatable and relevant to the subject matter. A good story is only as interesting as the time it is told.

5. Follow up on Conversations

How do you find out if you made a lasting impression or if you didn’t do enough? You have to follow up. Checking in on the person a while after to see their demeanor and emotion towards you helps to clarify and also make corrections.

You don’t have to make a lasting impression on your very first try, but you should give yourself the opportunity to keep trying till you achieve this. Livebeam has been able to sustain so many relationships by keeping people in touch and creating a structure that makes it last.

How Livebeam Can Help

Livebeam is a great platform for genuine conversations and enjoying great content at the same time, it will help you in your journey to create lasting impressions, and below are a few things you should know about the platform:

  • Livebeam is a communication and streaming platform
  • Livebeam is an international platform and is available to you anywhere in the world
  • Livebeam has people available to chat with anytime
  • Livebeam has a relatable community that upholds acceptance and unity

To enjoy the interesting features and start new friendships that could last a lifetime, sign up on the platform today!

