Everything About Furnace Filter: What It Is and How It Works


Just like your car needs a tune-up every now and then to run smoothly, your furnace also requires regular upkeep. One key part of furnace maintenance is replacing the filter. But what is a furnace filter, and how does it work? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is Furnace Filter?

A furnace filter is a screen or mesh that covers the intake of your furnace. It’s designed to trap dust, pollen, and other airborne particles that can enter your home through the heating and cooling system. This helps keep your air clean and helps your indoor air quality.

Furnace filters come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials. The most common type is a pleated paper filter, but you can also find filters made of fiberglass, polyester, or even activated carbon.

How Does Furnace Filter Work?

When your furnace is running, the air is pulled into the intake and then heated before being circulated throughout your home. As the air passes through the furnace filter, the particles are trapped in the mesh or screen.

Over time, the furnace filter will become clogged with these particles. This reduces its ability to trap more particles and can also place a strain on your furnace, making it work harder than necessary. That’s why it’s important to replace your furnace filter regularly.

Although this can vary based on the filter type and the amount of air pollution in your area, furnace filters should typically be changed every one to three months.

What Are Its Types and Sizes?

There are two types of furnace filters. The first type is the throwaway or panel filter. These filters are made of fiberglass or pleated paper and can be found in a variety of sizes. The second type of furnace filter is the reusable or permanent filter. These filters are made of metal mesh screens that need to be cleaned periodically. The most common size for a furnace filter is 16x20x1, but filters can also be found in various other sizes.

How Much Do They Cost?

Furnace filters come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and price points. The cost of the filter will depend on the specific type and brand you choose. Some filters may be as low as $5, while others can cost up to $30 or more.

How Often Should I Change My Filter?

Your particular filter type will determine how frequently you should change your furnace filter. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, disposable pleated filters should be changed every 1-3 months. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, permanent filters should be cleaned every one to three months.

In Conclusion

Replacing your furnace filter is an important part of furnace maintenance. Furnace filters help keep your air clean and improve your indoor air quality. There are two types of furnace filters- disposable and permanent. 

The most common size for a furnace filter is 16x20x1, but they come in various other sizes. The frequency at which you should replace or clean your filter will depend on your filter type. It’s important to be familiar with your furnace filter and how it works to keep it running smoothly.

