A 2020 Guide To Protecting Your Home From Bats


It is probably a pretty safe bet that there is not a single human that wants a bat to live in their home with them. Bats harbor many kinds of diseases, including rabies and now COVID-19. They are one of the most disease-ridden creatures, and it is a good idea to prevent them from coming into your home. Considering some doctors say you should get rabies shots if you even see a bat in your home, keeping bats out is very important. Keep reading for some ways to protect your home from bats in 2020.

Examine Your Home

Looking over your home for potential problem areas is the first step anyone should take when bat-proofing their house. What you should be looking for are any holes that could possibly allow a bat into your home. These are an easy fix, as caulking should fix most of these gaps or openings. If there are holes in drywall, fix the drywall and the problem is taken care of. Be sure that every door closes tightly with no gaps showing. Find all of the plumbing, electrical, and ventilation holes coming out of your house. Make sure that each of these is plugged with steel wool or caulked, as bats hate the feeling of it. The initial examination should reveal most of the easy fixes to your living areas. Now that this is done, move on to the attic and the roof.

Bats Love the Attic

Bats love dark, warm places. It is no surprise they love inhabiting people’s attics. The first thing you will want to do is to check your attic for any holes, gaps, or openings that could allow a bat entry into your home. Use any kind of screening device beneath the door to the attic, as this is one way a bat can get into your living area. Be sure to check all along outside entry points, as there are often a few openings outside that give bats easy entry. From May to August, there are more than likely young bats inside the attic that will die or crawl down into your living quarters. 

Check the Roof

Your roof and where the roof meets the side of your house are potential trouble spots for bats entering your home. If your trim or fascia along the top of your house is loose, you have two options for fixing it. Use a clear or a certain color sealant to shore up the gap or you can bolt it down using a steel bolt. If your shingles or whatever other material your roof is made of are loose, bats can easily gain entry into your home. An easy way to fix this is with either sealant or a wire mesh netting that you put all along the roof. Visit batremovalattic.com for more DIY tips. 

Hire Professionals

If you are not sure whether you have effectively bat-proofed your house or not, it might be a wise idea to call an expert for more information dealing with bats. Even if you did do a thorough job, professionals have seen problems for many years and will fix it right the first time. 

