Governor McCrory Explains HB2 on NBC’s Meet the Press


Over the past week, NC Governor Pat McCrory signed a new executive order that repeals parts of HB2 and expands equal opportunity protection for LGBT employees of the state.

Yesterday, he appeared on NBC’s Meet The Press to discuss why the bill was passed in the first place, and why he still stands behind some parts of it;

The governor said multiple times that the main reason behind HB2 was to block what he considered to be “government overreach” in the city of Charlotte.

“The city of Charlotte passed a bathroom ordinance mandate on every private sector employer in Charlotte, North Carolina, one of the largest, 15th, 16th-largest cities in the United States of America. And I think that’s government overreach. It’s not government’s business to tell the private sector what their bathroom, locker room, or shower practices should be,” McCrory commented.

“This is a national debate that has literally come on in the last three months,” he also commented. “No one talked about it until Houston,” where the city overturned similar legislation to what was passed in Charlotte.

What do you think about HB2 and the governors new executive order?



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