What Compensation Am I Due for a Broken Bone in a Car Accident?


Traffic accidents are the most common cause of broken bones. Unfortunately, cases of traffic accidents have been on the rise over the years. 

Fatal car crashes frequently occur on California’s large and congested highways. Numerous individuals are killed each year on California’s roads due to travel at high speeds and truck accidents.

Los Angeles County is the site of many fatal accidents. In 2016, the number of traffic accidents in Los Angeles had soared by nearly 20 percent to 55,350. If you have sustained broken bones due to a car accident, it’s best to consult an experienced Los Angeles car accident lawyer immediately. 

Breaking your bones is not a minor injury. Broken bones may lead to temporary or permanent disability when left untreated. Having broken bones can be quite challenging to deal with; menial tasks like lifting items or walking becomes increasingly difficult and painful. 

Some common bone fractures caused by car wrecks are: 

  • Vertebrae in the spine
  • Neckbones
  • The femur
  • The collarbone
  • The pelvis
  • Ribs
  • Bones in the sternum
  • Bones in the skull
  • Bones in the neck
  • Bones in the ankles

There are two types of bone fractures categorized by the location of the injury:

  • Skull Fracture: Skull fractures happen when the accident involves a significant amount of force. This can lead to serious internal bleeding and complications in the brain. Unfortunately, this type of injury is very common in auto accidents. 
  • Rib Fracture: A rib fracture happens as the result of a blow to the ribcage. Often, this is confused with a bruised rib, making it difficult for the victim to determine the type of injury they have. People who suffer from rib fractures tend to have a hard time breathing, leading to pneumonia if not properly treated. 

If left untreated, these bone fractures can result in complications that can possibly affect victims for life. 

Some complications that can result from a car accident are: 

  • Infections 

– This is when the bone breaks and pierces through the patient’s skin which can cause life-threatening infections (osteomyelitis or sepsis) if left untreated. Osteomyelitis is an infection in the bone, while sepsis is a blood infection. 

  • Hypertrophic Nonunion Recover 

– This involves excessive callus formation that can appear as an “Elephant’s Foot” in a radiological test. 

  • Non-Union Recovery 

– This happens when the bone fails to heal in the first six months after initially getting injured. Pieces of broken bone remain separated which can result in ischemia (diminished blood supply) or osteomyelitis. 

  • Delayed Union Recovery 

– As explained by its name, it involves a prolonged recovery time. This mainly happens because your body does not have enough calcium to complete the healing process. 

Having broken bones can also stop you from returning to your regular job. Your doctors or your boss may discourage you from working, and this can result in months of lost income. It depends on the severity of your injuries, of course. Still, it’s also important to note that if you are suffering from serious bone injuries due to someone else’s negligence, you can seek compensation for your medical bills and lost income. 

If you are injured with a broken bone from a car accident, you are entitled to receive the following compensation: 

  • Medical expenses, including the estimated cost of future medical care
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Loss of employment benefits
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Inconvenience 

Of course, before you receive compensation for your injuries, your claim needs to be thoroughly evaluated first. After getting into a major car accident, you must immediately seek the assistance of an experienced attorney to avoid going over the statute of limitations. In California, you only have two years to file a claim. 

To receive your compensation faster, it’s best to start early. But where exactly should you start? Well, you can start by gathering all the necessary evidence first to prove the negligence of the other party. 

Medical evidence is important in a personal injury claim involving bone fractures. Your radiologist will take x-rays of the affected body parts, and your attorney can utilize this to make your claim stronger. 

Each claim is unique. The value of your claim depends on a lot of factors. Before receiving compensation for your injuries, the jury will be “valuing” your case first. This means that they will consider how much the defendant will be willing to pay while making sure that the victim is properly compensated. 

Two general factors may affect the value of your case. How bad the broken bone injury is—and how likely the jury is to find the defendant liable if the case goes to trial.

Whether you have a minor or a major bone fracture, it’s vital to seek the assistance of an attorney to help you with your claim. They will be responsible for negotiating with insurance companies and ensuring that you are properly compensated for the accident. 

