The Top Baby Names in North Carolina For 2016 Have Just Been Released


baby-names-north-carolinaThe Social Security Administration (SSA) just released their annual list of the most popular baby names, both nationally, and state by state.

In North Carolina, several of the top girls names were locations in our state, including Charlotte (#4), Elizabeth (#9), and Madison (#10).

Boys names in our state continued to be very biblical based, with top 10 names including Noah (#2), Elijah (#5), James (#6), Benjamin (#7), and Michael (#9).

For girls in North Carolina, the top 10 baby names last year were:

  1. Ava
  2. Emma
  3. Olivia
  4. Charlotte
  5. Harper
  6. Abigail
  7. Isabella
  8. Sophia
  9. Elizabeth
  10. Madison

For boys in our state, the top 10 baby names last year were:

  1. William
  2. Noah
  3. Mason
  4. Liam
  5. Elijah
  6. James
  7. Benjamin
  8. Jackson
  9. Michael
  10. Grayson

Every year, the SSA releases the top 1,000 baby names around the country, along with how much each name increased and decreased in popularity from the prior years.

They started recording the lists back in 1880, when John and Mary were on top, those names have since dropped to #28 and #127, respectively.

Did your name make the top 10 list for North Carolina?

Click here to find out if your name ranks in the top 1,000 in America

