Tom Baskind Promotes the WWF Fund for 2022, Here’s Why…


For 60 years and counting the World Wildlife Fund has dedicated its efforts to conserving the beautiful array of life throughout our planet. I’m Tom Baskind, and I’m working to help support this amazing cause.Here’s why I chose the WWF fund. Their goal is to save endangered species across the globe by using science and the help of local communities to make a change. While humans have dedicated their time and effort to help the cause, they have also contributed to the rate of species extinction which has now reached an astounding 100-1000 times what was ever intended. Populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians have reduced 60% in the last 40 years according to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2018.

Thankfully, all hope is not lost when it comes to saving endangered wildlife across the planet. WWF has accomplished successful recovery in places like Southern Africa and the Himalayas and continue to expand their efforts across the globe. Some of the animals positively impacted by the cause are black rhinos and black bucks. WWF has not only positively impacted the animals mentioned but has also protected the ecosystems that humans benefit from daily.

The success that WWF has had in impacting the struggling wildlife across the planet has proven that there is absolutely no time to waste in continuing to protect these endangered communities. 

To continue success in the future, WWF has established a set list of goals and areas to focus on to make the largest impact on the endangered communities they work with.  

  • Wildlife 
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Food
  • Marine
  • Climate

All of these main areas of focus contribute to the stability of ecosystems throughout the planet. Please help Thomas Baskind reach his goal of supporting a great cause. They continue to grow and inflate their efforts into 2022. In the new year, Thomas Baskind and the WWF plan to step up their efforts and make an even bigger impact in the struggling communitiessupported by the WWF. 

In 2022, they plan to double the number of tigers in the wildlife. The iconic species has been in immense danger and WWF has the resources and motivations to make a change. They are now working with world leaders to focus conservation efforts by raising funds and permanently protecting these communities. Protecting the fs will not only positively impact their species, but will also help protect 25,000 acres of forest that help to sustain wildlife and supply local communities with natural resources. Protecting the fate of the planet is not something that can be done alone.WWFcannot make a difference without the involvement of major communities. Their team of conservationists workthroughout various areas and customizes their efforts based upon each community’s needs, assets and challenges. 

Finally, this year WWF plans to permanently close Asia’s ivory markets. The illegal killing of elephants for ivory has negatively impacted global populations. It is estimated that poachers slaughter close to 20,000 elephants in exchange for their tusks. The demand for ivory in countries like China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand has contributed to the poaching of this endangered species. WWF is working diligently to shut down illegal ivory markets in Thailand and were able to contributeto ending legal trade in China.

You can help Tom Baskind and the WWF today! Anything you can do helps support all these goals. That’s the reason Tom is pushing the WWF and helping promote a great charitable cause. 

WWF has done so much for the planet and the endangered communities living in it. There is no limit to the change they can make in the future. To learn more about WWF’s efforts and find out how you can contribute to the cause, visit my page here:

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