Tips for New Nurses to Prevent Burnout


Burnout is usually a state of physical, psychological, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress in the workplace. It is characterized by a lack of energy and enthusiasm for work or feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Nurses can experience burnout when they work in high-pressure roles within organizations that are understaffed or require significant overtime hours to meet the demands of their job. According to research, new nurses who experience burnout are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Strategies to Cope with Burnout Issues

The consequences of nurse burnout include decreased job satisfaction and performance, absenteeism, career changes, resignations, medical errors, decreased patient safety, and fatigue-related injuries or illnesses among staff members. Burnout can also lead to increased levels of substance abuse among nurses, who may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with stress. Struggling toward developing healthy work environments where nurses can flourish without fear of experiencing burnout will help reduce rates of burnout among nurses. Additionally, investing in professional development opportunities such as continuing education courses and leadership development programs will help mitigate the effects of work-related burnout. 

Nurse burnout is an increasingly prevalent issue in the healthcare industry. MSN programs are an excellent way to help nurses become better prepared for their role in providing quality care. The programs focus on helping nurses gain a deeper understanding of the medical field, build essential skills, and develop strategies for managing stress and burnout. Burnout is caused by several factors, including long hours, heavy workloads, lack of resources, and difficult patient situations. 

For working nurses wanting to advance in their careers, an MSN online program provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes courses on stress management techniques and coping strategies. Additionally, online programs help prevent burnout since nurses can study according to their schedule and convenience. Furthermore, students enrolled in MSN programs have access to mentorships with experienced healthcare professionals who can provide guidance on how to deal with challenging professional scenarios. Through mentorship opportunities, nurses can gain support from a trusted source while learning how to handle their heavy workloads effectively. 

A few of the tips for nurses to cope with work stress and avoid burnout are as follows:

  1. Taking Regular Breaks

A recent study found that nearly 31 % of new nurses reported feeling burnt out within their first year on the job. Taking frequent breaks throughout the day can help reduce the amount of stress, burnout, and fatigue that new nurses experience. Taking a few minutes from work to take a deep breath, stretch, chat with a colleague, or take a short walk outside can help nurses regain focus and improve energy levels. 

2. Engaging in Physical Exercise 

Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. According to a Harvard study, exercise helps increase endorphins which can act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Studies have shown that regular physical exercise can also lead to improved sleep quality, cognitive function, and overall mental health. This is particularly important for new nurses who work long shifts or in high-stress environments, as poor sleep has been linked to increased rates of burnout. 

3. Consuming Balanced Diet 

An adequate diet also plays an important role in reducing stress and nurse work burnout. Eating a balanced diet can boost energy levels while providing essential vitamins and minerals that positively impact mood. Studies have found that nutrition is closely linked with mental well-being. Deficiencies in certain vitamins, such as B-12, are linked with depression and other mental health issues. For nurses, it is important to ensure they get enough nutrients from their food during their busy days to improve patient care and outcomes.  

4. Getting Organized

The hectic and often chaotic nature of the nursing profession means that nurses can quickly become overworked, overwhelmed, and exhausted without being organized. Poor organization leads to missed deadlines and tasks, leading to negative career repercussions. When nurses have a clear structure in place, they are better equipped to manage their workload and prioritize tasks as needed. Keeping an organized schedule also allows nurses to take time for themselves, thus avoiding burnout. Creating weekly and daily checklists is important to stay on track with goals and tasks. Keeping all notes and important documents in one place will help prevent extra stress caused by searching for information. 

5. Setting Boundaries

Working in the medical field, nurses can easily become overwhelmed by the demands of their job and fall victim to burnout if they do not take the necessary steps. Setting boundaries is one such way to ensure this doesn’t happen. When nurses set boundaries, they draw a line between their personal life and the demands of their profession. This helps them maintain a healthy balance between their job duties and other parts of their life. It also helps them identify when they are under too much pressure at work so that they can take action to reduce it or seek help from colleagues or supervisors. Additionally, by maintaining clear professional boundaries with their patients, they can avoid becoming too emotionally drained while still providing quality care. 

6. Finding a Support System in the Workplace 

Having an established support system is vital for any nurse, but especially for those just starting in the nursing field. Whether it is family members, colleagues, or friends that one can call upon for advice and moral support can make all the difference during times of stress and burnout.  Moreover, finding joy in what we do each day helps us maintain perspective on our purpose and why we chose this profession in the first place. Take time each day to find something positive about your job. 


Burnout is a real and serious problem for new nurses. However, some steps can be taken to help prevent burnout. By following the tips mentioned above and leveraging available resources within your workplace environment, you can go a long way toward preventing burnout and becoming a successful nurse. Always remember why you joined this profession in the first place, and never let your passion for helping people fade away.

