The KKK is Now Actively Recruiting In North Carolina


The KKK is now ramping up their recruiting efforts around North Carolina with a new flyer campaign.

A new flyer that reads, “Loyal White Knights Ku Klux Klan Wants You!” is put in plastic bags with rocks, then dropped at the doorsteps of homes. The flyers include a phone number to the hate group and racist literature on the back.

The new fliers aren’t unique. Similar ones have been reported around the Charlotte region, in Fayetteville and Greensboro, as well as in Maine, New York and Canada over the past few months.

The group that has been distributing flyers around North Carolina lists their address as Pelham, NC on their website.

How do you feel about the KKK’s recruitment campaign? 

Do you support their freedom of speech? When should it be considered a hate crime?

