Talkspace Is Revolutionizing The Availability Of Mental Health Treatment Providers


The stigma towards mental health issues has readily faded away into obscurity since the turn of the millennium. Whether you’re a fan of views changing on such societal issues or not – some are positive, some aren’t; all of our views on which one assuredly do differ, just like our favorite toppings on cheeseburgers – the modern dissolution of stigma towards mental health issues, their self-acknowledgement, discussion of them, and the acceptance of seeking treatment for them is undeniably positive.

Unfortunately, however, far too many people lack the resources to seek mental health treatment. This problem is especially prevalent in traditionally low-income, rural areas, for the following reasons:

  • Low-income households and individuals alike often don’t own vehicles. If they do own only one working vehicle, it’s likely being used to transport any members earning incomes. Even worse, these vehicles are taken to work around the same time mental health institutions are open – Monday through Friday, from 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. to 5 or 6 p.m.
  • Views on such issues typically shift more slowly in low-income, rural areas, as most of their residents are decidely conservative. Remember that views in the United States towards seeking such treatment, or even acknolwedging it, have traditionally been societal norm.
  • Lastly, by definition, rural areas are sparsely populated, directly translating to reduced economic activity as compared to communities with higher-income households and higher population densities. This means that mental health institutions, both nonprofit and for-profit, are less likely to be located in rural areas. Besides, even if they are located nearby, individuals with mental health disorders and related issues are unlikely to be within reasonable walking distance.

Here’s how an organization named Talkspace is helping

Even in areas that are populated densely and house family units of generally high incomes, there are typically as many people with mental health issues that seek help from treatment providers as those that don’t seek help.

Something that most people have, regardless of their income or housing status – believe it or not, most homeless people even have smartphones – most people have mobile phones of some sort, whether that’s an old-school Nokia “brick” phone or an iPhone X.

As such, they can reach out via text message or phone call to the trained, certified, real-deal counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health experts that screen and try their best to remedy clients’ mental health issues through telecommunication.

Traditionally, mental health treatment providers have only lent their services to clients that visit them in person. However, with the revolutionary, innovative ideas that Talkspace’s founders and executives have kicked into action, people all around the United States of America can seek reliable psychoanalytic treatment for their problems through online therapy.

Even those without diagnosed, chronic mental health disorders can contact Talkspace. Far more often than we’d like to admit, everyday routines and environmental stressors can cause mental health issues – and that happens to everybody.

