Signs and Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest and How to Treat It


Over 470 000 Americans are reported to die of cardiac arrest in just a single year. These alarming stats are proof that more needs to be done to curb further escalation of cardiac arrest related deaths. A step in the right direction is by arming healthcare providers with the necessary knowledge regarding how to respond to cardiovascular emergencies.

To better react in such cases, it’s imperative that healthcare professionals have a better understanding of the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest. We discuss them below.

Signs and Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest

The earlier you notice the signs and symptoms associated with cardiac arrest, the sooner you can offer assistance. This is information you can learn from programs such as Lifesaver Education

An individual who is suffering from a cardiac arrest attack is likely to display the

following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pains
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Heart palpitations

Treatment of Cardiac Arrest

When someone experiences cardiac arrest, it results in blood not flowing to the major body organs. This often results in an individual failing to breathe and his or her heart consequently stopping. It follows that emergency cardiac arrest treatment involves getting the blood flowing and heart beating once it stops.

People who survive cardiac arrest must undergo the following treatment options.


Cardiac arrest can be caused by a diseased heart muscle which is often a result of high blood pressure. It can also be caused by excessive cholesterol in the bloodstream. Fortunately, there’s medication available that is designed to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


Cardiac arrest can also be caused by damage to a person’s blood vessels or heart valves. In such cases, treatment may include going under the knife. A person who has suffered from cardiac arrest may have to undergo surgery which can repair damaged blood vessels and heart valves, as well as remove blockages present in the arteries.


Some cardiovascular problems don’t warrant extreme measures such as going for surgery. A few adjustments to your daily lifestyle may be enough to manage the situation.

Engaging in physical activity is known to improve cardiovascular fitness. Exercise will significantly reduce the risk of another heart attack occurring. Examples of physical exercises you can safely engage in include:

  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Playing a sport
  • Going to the gym

Change in Diet

Another worthwhile lifestyle adjustment that’s effective at improving cardiovascular fitness includes making a few dietary changes.

As mentioned earlier, cardiac arrest can be caused by an increase in cholesterol levels in your bloodstream. Eating foods free from cholesterol will prevent future attacks. This means staying away from junk food that is high in fat and maintaining a diet which includes:

  • Beans
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Spinach
  • Nuts
  • Oats and barley


The above information isn’t only meant for health care providers. Everyone must be aware of the factors that can trigger cardiac arrests and possibly guard against them. By identifying a problem early, anyone could save a life by ensuring someone reaches professional help before it becomes a crisis. And if you’re worried about yourself, make the changes and prioritize your health. 

