Should I go to university? The pros and cons


If you are leaving school and considering going to university, it’s wise to weigh up the pros and cons first. Whilst there are many reasons that university might be the best option for you, there are other factors that might sway you in a different direction. To make your decision a bit easier, we’ve compiled just some of the pros and cons of going to university. 


Career – Depending on your chosen subject, going to university may be the only way to pursue the career you want. Many professions such as a doctor or a lawyer, for example, require a degree so, if you are looking to pursue a career in a similar area, attending university is a step in the right direction. If you are unsure which university might suit, the QS world university rankings are a good source of information and might help to narrow your options. 

Independence – Whilst it can be a bit daunting, moving away from home can be a very exciting time. Going to university allows you to meet new people and teaches you to become more independent. You will also learn some important life skills such as budgeting, paying bills, and, depending on your financial situation, holding down a part-time job whilst studying.

Earning potential – Whilst it’s not always the case, graduates are likely to earn more than those who are employed straight out of school. It does, of course, depend on the degree you choose, but it’s highly likely that your earning potential will increase due to attending university.  


Leaving home – For some, the idea of leaving the safety net of their family home can be daunting. All of a sudden, you are faced with the reality of the real world without your parents to fall back on. If you are torn between the two, you can, of course, find a university closer to home which will allow you to study without relocating.

Debt – Going to university is expensive. Tuition fees, student loans, and living expenses can mount. This could result in you spending the first 5 to 10 years of your career paying back the debt you have accrued. For this reason, going to university isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. Establish how much it’s going to cost and whether it’s going to be a viable choice. If you have parents that can help then it will make your decision far easier, but not everyone has that luxury.

Securing a job – Don’t be fooled into thinking that a degree will guarantee you a job. That, sadly, isn’t the case at all. If you want to be a lawyer, accountant, or doctor, you are more likely to find a job. If, however, your chosen subjects are less specific, it’s a good idea to research the percentage of graduates who do secure the jobs they want at the end of their studies. You may find that an apprenticeship or on the job training can lead to even better career prospects.  

