Risks of Using E-Cigs and Vape Pens


E-smoking and vaping have been all the buzz for the last couple of years. The new way to consume nicotine has changed the tobacco and marijuana industry completely. Over 30 million people are now vaping. 

At first, many people believed that vaping or using e-cigs was a safer way to ingest nicotine, but due to several recent tragedies, this idea has changed. Many people, especially teenagers, are ending up in the hospital because of issues caused by vaping. 

We are going to go over the risks one should consider before picking up a vape pen or e-cig as an alternative to tobacco.

Risk of Stronger Addiction 

When vaping, it is possible to make these liquids super potent. It is said that some liquids are 3 to 4 times stronger than regular tobacco products. This could create a stronger addiction to a more intense product.

Another reason why it is more addictive is that the vapor does not smell like traditional smoke. Vape liquid comes in different fruity and pleasant flavors, which make the vape smoke smell more appealing, and this is why many businesses allow vaping inside their premises. 

Also, people often do not mind people vaping in their houses because it will not smell like a stale cigarette or cigar smoke. This leads to stronger addiction because one does not even have to move off the couch, out of the office, or leave the bar to vape. Even if it is illegal to use e-cigs inside a workplace, a person can often vape in the bathroom undetected. 

Risks of Health Problems

Research by the British Medical Association has shown that vaping is approximately 5% of the risk of traditional smoking. It still does carry risks, however. There have been claims that one can still suffer from various cancers, as a result of the misuse of vape pens.

Because of the lack of regulation, the potency and chemicals used to make the liquid could be dangerous. Any inhalation of chemicals runs the risk of respiratory and lung diseases, such as emphysema. These diseases can decrease someone’s quality of life substantially. 

Risk of Death 

In 2019, there has been a total of 33 deaths that are related to the use of vaping. This number is bound to continue to climb as more and more people are vaping. Of these deaths, most of them are under the age of 35. Of course, this is an insignificant number when compared to deaths from tobacco, but still a tragedy for those concerned.

Parents should be seriously concerned if their child is vaping as any use of nicotine is not desirable. It is not just liquid tobacco concentrations that are being vaped. Most of the deaths and illnesses are related to liquids containing high concentrations of synthetic THC.

The Bottom Line 

In many ways, e-cig use is better than conventional smoking, but it is not recommended and is in no way totally safe. Before considering ingesting your nicotine this way, one should think about the possible health risks. Only when industry regulation is imposed will the dangers of vaping be fully known.

