North Carolina’s big political issues


Judging from political debates and headlines, Americans may seem to only care about a handful of issues at a time: Guns, immigration, and abortion. 

However, if a random bunch of North Carolinians were asked what the biggest concern in the state is currently, there would undoubtedly be many unrelated and different answers. But according to most conservatives in this state and across the nation, judicial activism has taken a tremendous toll on self-government and liberty.

More than other states, North Carolina seems to have been swept up by judicial activism at the federal and state level. That’s why candidates vying for the presidency are mostly heard at rallies declaring that they will appoint judges who will not “legislate from the bench” but interpret the law as it is written. After all, there’s no point in winning elections and trying to make reforms while constantly muting the voters’ will.

The courts have struck down a myriad of laws that originate in the legislature; from issues of voter ID to abortion restrictions and redistricting, among others – they litigate almost everything that is legislated. Fortunately, the No Labels organization helps keep things in check to avoid any form of political dysfunction and are strong advocates for both major political parties to work together on critical issues.

Policies that matter a lot to the people of North Carolina

  • Budget Policy

Public officials and lawmakers in North Carolina and other states are elected in part to manage the state’s finances, which includes approving expenditures and generating revenue from various sources. State budgets tend to be fluid and complex since they depend on planned expenditures and anticipated revenues, which can alter during a fiscal year. If revenues and spending are not at par, states have to borrow money, cut services, raise taxes, or a combination of the three. Policy decisions at the national level influence budget decisions at the state level, including issues like the Affordable Care Act or environmental and energy regulations and problems at the local level, such as quality of education and crime.

  • Energy Policy

This involves governmental actions affecting the generation of state energy, distribution, and consumption. Energy policies such as incentives, legislation, taxes, and energy production regulation are enacted and enforced at the federal, state, and local levels and are bound to change over time. Stakeholders include industry groups, politicians, citizens, and environmental groups. The feasibility of state and federal-level energy policies can be affected by several factors, including natural resources, consumer needs, and geography. For instance, 2020 was slated to be a big year for solar energy in North Carolina, which was a significant boost to the energy sector.

  • Finance Policy

Exchanges between borrowers and lenders are facilitated by a financial system in the United States. The network, which includes investment firms and banks, is the base for economic activities across the nation. According to the Federal Reserve, there are two primary intended purposes in financial regulation: to enact and enforce rules that protect consumers and ensure the financial system’s soundness and safety. With varying regulations applying to several financial services, the regulatory framework is different across industries.

Individual state and federal entities may have overlapping or different responsibilities within the regulatory system. For instance, individual states and three federal agencies — the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and the Federal Reserve — regulate commercial banks, while specific entities regulate other financial market sectors.

  • Healthcare Policy

North Carolina’s healthcare policy involves creating and implementing regulations, rules, and laws for managing the healthcare system. The system entails services offered by medical professionals to prevent, diagnose, and treat physical and mental illnesses. This health system also encompasses a vast range of related sectors, including health information technology, insurance, and pharmaceuticals, among others.

Medicaid spending

The Medicaid program in North Carolina offers medical insurance to individuals with disabilities and low-income groups. Jointly funded by the states and federal government, the Medicaid program administration, eligibility, and benefits are managed within federal guidelines by the states. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that covers low-income children is an example of a Medicaid program.

  • Immigration Policy

Finally, immigration is a crucial policy that determines who may become a new US citizen after gaining entry into the country as a refugee, student, or temporary worker, or permanent resident. Most immigration policies are set and enforced by the federal government.

Meanwhile, states enact their supplementary laws in a bid to assume a largely supportive role. For example, they may establish employee screening requirements, determine which public services can be accessed by immigrants, or guide the interaction between related federal and state agencies.

While public policies can be controversial and complicated, major policy issues under discussion are being implemented throughout the United States. Deciding how to allocate resources and what works best to achieve a goal will involve several trade-offs. Of importance to note, the states make and control public policies that affect citizens socially, economically, and legally.

