NC High School Students Suspended For Flying Confederate Flags On Their Trucks


The principal at Cleveland County’s Burns High School just suspended several students after they flew Confederate battle flags from the back of their pick-up trucks.

The 10 students who were suspended flew the flags from the back of their vehicles, which they parked in the school’s parking lot.

The school is located about 40 miles west of Charlotte, in the tiny town of Lawndale, NC, just above Shelby;

Burns High School Principal Mickey Morehead said the students were suspended for insubordination after being asked to take down the flags, according to the Shelby Star.

“They were asked to remove the flags, and they didn’t,” Morehead said.

The following is part of the statement released by the school;

Any conduct that would cause a disruption in our educational environment may be subject to discipline via the CCS Code of Conduct. Please understand that an immediate suspension may very well likely not be the consequence of a matter such as the one in question.

According to the school’s handbook;

“Students are expected to comply without delay to the directives of all school personnel at all times while a student is at school or involved in a school-related activity. Students who fail to comply with the directions of any school personnel anytime during the school day, during extra-curricular activities or during any period that the school personnel has authority, have violated this policy.”

By being insubordinate, high school students face up to three days of suspension, the handbook notes.

What do you think about the school’s decision? 

