How to Succeed in a Virtual Job Interview


Looking for a new job in the midst of a pandemic? Nervous about making a good impression online? We get it—navigating the virtual job market can be intimidating. But you’re no less qualified now than you were eight months ago. With a little preparation and some basic interview skills, you’ll be ready to impress any prospective employer. 

To help you feel prepared and confident, we’ve compiled a list of tips so you can make a great first impression and nail your next virtual job interview. 

Test Technology Beforehand

Make sure all your technology is working and up-to-date the day before your interview. Trouble-shooting during your interview is unprofessional and distracting. Ensure all apps are updated, and your internet connection is secure

Additionally, double-check which video chat interface you’ll be using for the interview, and make sure you have the correct platform downloaded onto your computer. 

Quick tip: Use a professional username for the video call. “Horselover95” may have been a fun email address in high school but may not make the best impression in a professional setting. 

Dress Professionally 

Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean it’s wise to interview in your PJs or yoga clothes. When making a good virtual impression, it’s important to look polished and dress for success. Take time to select your outfit, and pay attention to the details. 

  • Accessorize Nice watches for men are a sophisticated, timeless accessory to add to any ensemble.

Keep it simple – Use restraint with your makeup and hairstyle. Lavish hairdos and bright makeup can be distracting, especially on a video call. Opt for understated, elegant makeup for women.

Choose a Professional Setting 

A good virtual impression is all about minimizing distractions. A professional backdrop conveys a polished, productive work environment. If you’re doing your virtual interview at home, scope out a quiet spot ahead of time. Make sure you’re far away from noisy kids and pets. Remove any clutter from behind you, and put away anything you wouldn’t want your potential employer to see. 

Quick tip: A clutter-free environment includes your screen. Close extra tabs and turn off notifications to eliminate mid-interview distractions. 

Prepare in Advance 

Just like in-person interviews, it’s important to prepare for online interviews ahead of time. Prior to your interview, set aside time to research the company and familiarize yourself with their expectations and policies. 

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Look at the company you’re applying to and see if their core values align with yours. Ask yourself why this job appeals to you and what you think you’d gain from the experience.

  • Write down a list of questions to ask during your interview. Asking questions demonstrates you are curious and engaged, which is especially essential over video chat. 

  • Think about your preferred salary ahead of time. You don’t want to be caught off-guard if you need to talk about finances.

Be Authentic

Above all else, just be yourself! After all, there’s no one else who brings your unique talents to the table. You have something special to offer, so don’t be afraid to let your personality shine. 

Remember, it’s difficult to read body language over video chat, so sitting up straight and looking into the camera goes a long way. Maintaining eye-contact establishes attentiveness and interest. And don’t forget to smile!


Send a follow-up email to your interviewer within 24 hours of the interview. Reiterate your interest in the company, and highlight an aspect of the interview you found helpful or illuminating. Sending a follow-up email reinforces a good impression and shows your potential employer your enthusiasm and dedication.

Now, You’re Prepped for Success

Remember, job hunting is all about finding an opportunity that works for you. Approach your job search with curiosity and enthusiasm, and don’t sweat the small stuff. 

When you’ve got a can-do attitude and are prepared, you’ll find your dream job in no time. 


