How to Get Better Sleep and Transform Your Health


There is no one key to good health. Instead, it’s a combination of many things. There’s our diets, of course, and our exercise habits, too. But one area of health that often gets overlooked, but that is absolutely critical to our overall well-being, is sleep. 

However, many people do not get enough sleep. Our stressful, hectic lives keep us from getting the rest we need, which contributes to a whole host of other problems. 

So, if you’re one of the 30 to 40 percent of Americans struggling with insomnia or not getting the sleep you need, here are some tips to help you get back on track:

Create an Ideal Sleep Environment

Many of us hurt our chances at a good night’s sleep even before we get into bed by not creating the right environment for rest. 

Ideally, the room you sleep in should be cool and completely dark. Many people like to sleep with nightlights on, but if sleep eludes you, you’ll want to get rid of it and try laying down in complete darkness.

Also, make sure there’s as little noise in your room as possible. If you live in a busy area with street noise, consider investing in some quality earplugs, as this can make all the difference. 

Lastly, think about the bed you’re using. Is it big enough? Firm enough? Soft enough? Upgrading your mattress can be expensive, but if you’re not sleeping on one that’s right for you, it’s going to be nearly impossible to improve your sleep habits.

Develop a Sleep Routine

The human brain relies on habits. It does things it’s already done because it’s easier and makes more sense. Therefore, to get better sleep, it’s important to learn some habits that signal to the brain that it’s time to wind down and get some sleep. 

The first one is to pick a bedtime and stick to it. Having a consistent bedtime will help the body develop a rhythm and get to sleep more easily. 

But if you’re having trouble sleeping, this is easier said than done, so consider working up to this bed time with a “wind down” routine. 

For this, it doesn’t matter what you do, so long as it’s relaxing. Take a bath, read, do some light yoga. The choice is yours. But the best thing is to start this routine about an hour before your desired bed time. 

Also, as hard as it might be, stay away from your phone and turn off the TV during this period. There is a lot of research to suggest that the blue light these devices emit disrupts the body’s natural sleep rhythms and makes it hard to sleep. So, when there’s an hour left before bedtime, turn off your devices and get your mind ready for bed.

Use Natural Sleep Aids

If you put these measures into place and are still struggling with sleep, there are some natural sleep aids out there that can help you. Melatonin is a great option, for this is the hormone the body naturally uses to sleep. Taking a 3-5mg pill 20 minutes before bed can help initiate the sleep process and get you to bed sooner. 

There are other natural remedies, such as chamomile, manganese, and valerian root, among others, that have been shown to be relaxing and induce sleep. And another option is to take CBD sleep gummies – Pop one about an hour before you want to sleep and by the time your bedtime rolls around you’ll be nice and relaxed and ready to rest.

Let’s Get Some Sleep

Using the approach outlined here, good sleep is just around the corner. If you’re someone who stays up at night because of a racing mind, then consider trying out meditation, as this can help you calm your thoughts and get to sleep. 

In the end, everyone will have a different recipe for good sleep. But by creating a good environment, developing a healthy sleep routine, and using natural sleep aids, you should never have another restless night again.

