How can businesses keep travel expenses under control?


Following the pandemic scenario and the raging economic crisis, it became evident for businesses to minimize the budget associated with employee travel expenditures – both for hygienic and budgetary reasons. However, one must use caution because this charge modification must not have a detrimental impact on the company’s operating effectiveness. So, this can be accomplished by the following advice:

However, before discussing this issue, it is vital to establish precisely the travel expenditures for businesses.

Where does the money go for travel expenses?

A business travel expenditure incurred when traveling for work. This might include the number of items, or services required for the trip, typically connected with being away from home for several days or weeks. Employees can be paid for expenditures such as

  • Domestic or international airfare
  • Traveling by train
  • Rental of a personal automobile
  • Taxis and minicabs
  • Business food delivery or meals
  • Hotels, inns, and serviced flats.

Of course, these costs will vary based on the size of the company and its travel and expenditure policies. So, let’s look at what businesses need to do to reduce travel expenses:

Make specific orders regarding trip expenditures.

One of the benefits of a clear travel and spending policy is that it specifies the maximum spend for each feasible item, which the finance team may use to estimate expenses. Of course, for those costs to remain low and estimates to be correct, the policy must be clear and properly implemented. Companies may save money by forming alliances and negotiating contracts with a specific list of hotels, preferred airlines, and other travel arrangements to obtain the cheapest pricing.

Make specific orders regarding trip expenditures.

One of the benefits of a clear travel and spending policy is that it specifies the maximum spend for each feasible item, which the finance team may use to estimate expenses. Of course, for those costs to Remain Low and evaluated to be correct, the policy must be properly implemented. Companies may save money by forming alliances and negotiating contracts with a specific list of hotels, preferred airlines, and other arrangements to obtain the cheapest pricing.

Rethink reservation policies.

When developing a clear travel and expenditure policy, companies must consider rewriting their reservation standards in light of the current global circumstances.

Many businesses began to assume corporate social responsibility, and as a result, some adjusted their policies. For example, if the trip duration is shorter than 2 hours, an employee should use the train rather than fly.

Tracking Expense Report Fraud

Employees may occasionally tend to enhance their bills of costs. As a result, the most efficient strategy to avoid it is to have a clear picture of spending records. Proof of expenditure is an important step in monitoring and reimbursing company expenses.

Paper reports are easier to forge; therefore, getting rid of them would be a sensible option. After then, a variety of flexible payment options might be considered.

Change from manual to digital expenditure management.

As we return to the new world, where most of the labor will be digitized, 70% of firms currently have or are working on a digital transformation plan.

Companies nowadays must be prepared to work effectively remotely at any time. Thus, they must digitize their procedures to enable paperless costs.

Passengers can only be compensated, even if they are working remotely, and remote audits of their receipts are performed, reducing interruption for finance personnel in case of future government changes, such as work-from-home or border closures.

Based on the advice provided, it is clear that the best way to save money on business travel is to use travel management software that can customize budgets for specific trips, minimize expense management by automatically limiting choices based on the corporate travel policy in place and easily scan and analyze all of the employees’ bills.

