Governor Cooper Issues New Sweeping Order Requiring Face Masks For All NC Residents


The Governor of North Carolina has just issued a new executive order that now requires everyone in the State of North Carolina to wear a face mask in public, in addition to extending all current restrictions under Phase 2 of the reopening plan for at least another 3 weeks.

The new order comes amid a continued rise in COVID-19 related cases, hospitalizations, and deaths:

According to Executive Order 147,

New Requirements to Wear Face Coverings.

  • “Face Covering” is defined as:
    1. A covering of the nose and mouth that is secured
      to the head with ties, straps, or loops over the ears or is simply wrapped around the
      lower face. A Face Covering can be made of a variety of synthetic and natural fabrics,
      including cotton, silk, or linen. Ideally, a Face Covering has two (2) or more layers. A
      Face Covering may be factory-made, sewn by hand, or can be improvised from
      household items such as scarfs, bandanas, t-shirts, sweatshirts, or towels. These Face
      Coverings are not intended for use by healthcare providers in the care of patients.
      “Surgical Mask” means American Society for Testing and Materials (“ASTM”) Level
      1, 2, or 3 approved procedural and surgical masks. An N95 respirator approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (“NIOSH”) ( or a respirator from another country allowed by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Food & Drug Administration, or the CDC) is not recommended for general public use or use in public settings, as it should be reserved for healthcare providers and other medical first responders in a health care setting. However, ifworn, these respirators would meet both the Face Covering and Surgical Mask requirements of this Executive Order. A face shield that covers the nose and mouth also meets the Face Covering requirements of this Executive Order.
  • Face Coverings are required in the following settings, whether they are inside or outside.
    1. In Retail Businesses. Retail Businesses must have all workers wear Face
      Coverings when they are or may be within six ( 6) feet of another person. In
      addition, Retail Businesses must have all customers wear Face Coverings when
      they are inside the establishment and may be within ( 6) feet of another person,
      unless the customer states that an exception applies.
    2. In Restaurants. Restaurants must have all workers wear Face Coverings when
      they are or may be within six ( 6) feet of another person. In addition, restaurants
      must have all customers wear Face Coverings when not at their table, unless the
      customer states that an exception applies.
    3. In Personal Care, Grooming, and Tattoo Businesses. Personal Care,
      Grooming, and Tattoo Businesses must have workers wear Face Coverings
      when they are or may be within six ( 6) feet of another person. In addition, the
      business must have all customers wear Face Coverings when they are inside the
      establishment and may be within six (6) feet of another person, unless the
      customer states that an exception applies. Customers may take off their Face
      Coverings ifthey are receiving a facial treatment, shave, or other services on a
      part ofthe head which the Face Covering covers or by which the Face Covering
      is secured.
    4. In Child Care Facilities, Day Camps, and Overnight Camps. Child care
      facilities, day camps, and overnight camps must have workers, all other adults,
      and children eleven (11) years or older on site wear Face Coverings when they
      are or may be within six ( 6) feet of another person.
    5. In State Government. State government agencies headed by members of the
      Governor’s Cabinet must have their on-site workers wear Face Coverings when
      they are or may be within six (6) feet of another person. Public-facing
      operations of state government agencies under the jurisdiction of the
      undersigned must also follow the requirements for Retail Businesses
      established in this Executive Order.
      All other state and local government agencies are strongly encouraged to adopt
      similar policies that require Face Coverings.
    6. In Transportation. All workers and riders on public or private transportation
      regulated by the State ofNorth Carolina, as well as all people in North Carolina
      airports, bus and train stations or stops, must wear Face Coverings when they
      are or may be within six ( 6) feet of another person. This provision does not
      apply to people traveling alone with household members or friends in their
      personal vehicles, but does apply to ride-shares, cabs, vans, and shuttles, even
      ifthe vehicles are privately owned.
      Notwithstanding the foregoing, no customer will be removed from or denied
      entry to public transportation for failure to wear a Face Covering.
    7. In Certain High-Density Occupational Settings Where Social Distancing is
      Difficult. Social distancing is inherently difficult where multiple workers are
      together in manufacturing settings, at construction sites, and in migrant farm,
      other farm, and agricultural settings. Therefore, in businesses or operations
      within North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) sectors 311 to
      339 (manufacturing), 236 to 238 (construction), and 111, 112, 1151, and 1152
      (agriculture), all workers must wear Face Coverings when they are or may be
      within six ( 6) feet of another person.
    8. In Meat or Poultry Processing Plants. All workers in any meat or poultry
      processing plant, packing plant, or slaughterhouse must wear Face Coverings
      when they are or may be within six (6) feet of another person, and those Face
      Coverings must be Surgical Masks, as long as Surgical Mask supplies are
    9. Long Term Care Facilities. All workers in Long Term Care (“LTC”)
      Facilities, including skilled nursing facilities (“SNF”), adult care homes
      (“ACH”), family care homes (“FCH”), mental health group homes, and
      intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities
      (“ICF-IID”), must wear Face Coverings while in the facility, and those Face
      Coverings must be Surgical Masks, as long as Surgical Mask supplies are
    10. Other Health Care Settings. Health care facilities other than L TC facilities
      must follow the Face Covering requirements in the CDC Infection Control
      Guidance for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19).

“As the leader of the state’s largest health system, I am pro-health and also 100 percent pro-business. In fact, the two are inextricably connected and I’m very proud of the way business leaders and health experts are working together to keep our economy strong,” said Eugene A. Woods, President and CEO of Atrium Health. “Medical science says to reduce the spread of COVID-19 masking works, and my sincere hope is that all the people of North Carolina can join forces to make wearing a mask not something we feel we have to do – but something that we want to do to keep each other, our neighbors, our children and our loved ones healthy and safe”

Businesses can download templates for signs on face coverings here.

You can read Executive Order No. 147 here.

You can also read Frequently Asked Questions about the order here.

What do you think about the new order? 

