Data-Driven Policing: The Future of Law Enforcement


What is data-driven policing? It is just as the term implies. It uses analytical information coupled with technology to tackle crimes and quickly sweep areas where the police are needed right away. It can help prevent all sorts of criminal activities and prevent future crimes from occurring. It uses prescribed patterns to help carry on investigations. If law enforcement is your calling, you will have a much better time at work cases. The population is rapidly expanding. Traditional policing methods with outdated technology can no longer help. These technologies also remove biases within law enforcement, such as racial profiling, showing a distaste for a specific religion, or arresting someone based off wrong assumptions. Such as using someone’s socio-economic background as a probable cause. So, here’s how the future of law enforcement is changing under data-driven policing:

  • Better Collection of Data

Police work is now incredibly data-driven. Some records need maintenance, such as criminal mug shots, past crimes, and charge sheets. There needs to be a division between cases that are closed and cases that are still pending. Previously, with lots of paperwork, there were possibilities that information can easily corruptible or lost. Now, data goes directly into the police system and forms the database. With a simple search, the police can figure out who exactly they’re dealing with. It also makes it easier to share the data with other police stations if they need help tracking. 

Furthermore, the demand for these professionals is increasing rapidly. More students and professionals are attracting to this field. Aspirants can opt for a bachelor criminal justice degree, which helps them utilize data-driven law enforcement tactics to predict criminality before it happens.

  • Data Mining

Data mining is a type of data analysis that is all about finding trends and patterns and using that data for future predictions and presumptions. It usually helps police work in more extensive crimes such as drug trafficking. Drug dealers are generally smarter than the criminal lot. They know to push their drug supply chain, they have a system in place. Data mining helps crack that system. Police can now pinpoint where they may see an expected drug usage escalation and possible hot spot points. Data mining makes use of algorithms and narrows down likely probabilities that help police better in their work.

  • Hotspot Analysis

It’s not unusual for criminals to throw off police officers and give them false leads. It was generally the case with older technology when radios and phones could be tapped. Now criminals had to be thoughtful about getting arrested for making sure they have a backup plan in place and escape. However, with the introduction of data-driven policing, it is now harder for criminals to hide or trick the police. Hotspot analysis uses the most predictable behavior shown by criminals and predicts possible spots for the perpetrator to turn up. It does this by using their past behavior and past criminal offenses to predict their mindset. So, whether a crime is about to happen or has happened, police know how to tackle them.

  • Prediction Models

These models study independent factors that may cause a crime to happen and what variables can cause future similar events. Suppose there is a possible assassination attempt. Data can help you draw up a blueprint of the area to study possible vulnerable points. So instead of police just being dependent on criminal history, they’re taking in all the factors that may motivate and make a crime possible. It can help police also decide where violent crimes are most likely to erupt due to the features of the surrounding area. So it is possible to carry out investigations and make plans before something happens.

  • Better Police Operations

Suppose the way criminal activities now get disrupted. Then police work may be heavily affected too. It will streamline the way police carry out their work. It will help them deal with mundane tasks such as data recording in a more organized manner. Help them combine leads from various sources and dispatch teams promptly. It will also help police identify locations and possible criminals before they can strike. As a result, police work will get elevated, and crime rates may go down. It can ease the burden on the law and order system. It’s not easy to deal with a rising number of cases, significantly when it disrupts civilian life.

  • Reduction in Crimes

Criminals will not react to a better police modeling system lightly. Most may avoid committing crimes due to a fear of arrest. Some may even go into hiding. Criminals can get identified even before they commit a crime due to past affiliations. It also helps police crackdown on predictable operation modes and makes it difficult for crimes to happen. It can help improve civilian life and elevate society, which boosts the economy. So it wouldn’t come across as a surprise if the government wants technology to be a significant part of the criminal justice system.

  • Better Data Analysis

The data that comes into police factions from all this extensive data mining needs proper analysis. It is to make sure that the entire case is adequately studied. Criminals need to go on trial. So the documents need for proper identification, acquisition, and compilation. Data analysis also helps police to understand this new technology. They will follow how big data works through databases, how this technology needs implementation, and how to analyze the data they get correctly. It can help law and order agencies to introduce better police systems and change the old police training models. If technology continues to expand, it may also seep into law and policy changing, so the future seems brighter with a more tech-savvy law system. Data is also much safer and far more accurate than manual data collection.

Wrap Up

Data-driven policing is changing the police system. It has made it easier for police to quickly spend fewer resources and time in multiple fences and shut cases. It has allowed better storage and sharing of data to track down and compile information for legal usage. It has allowed police to made educated guesses on where the perp may turn up. Criminals no longer can outsmart the police. They are now at the literal mercy of this new tech-driven police force. As a result, this can help society heal from criminal activities and make a better law and order system.



Steve Peters
Digital strategist in Charlotte, N.C. I love telling people's stories.