Curious about cremation caskets? You’re not alone – find out more info here!


Are you designing the best way to put your loved one to rest? If you are wondering what type of casket or coffin to use to help bury your loved one and keep their body or ashes in a safe space, then you may want to consider using cremation caskets. Even though using other types of caskets is a good possibility, like wooden or metal caskets, using a cremation casket is the perfect holding place for your loved one’s body.

Click here to take a look at a gallery of cremation caskets. 

Why choose a cremation casket?

If you are going to keep the ashes of your loved ones in an urn for many years after they have died, then using a cremation chamber is the only safe and respectful way to transport the body to the cremation chamber. If you decide to use cremation, then you need to find out the best cremation casket to choose for your loved one. Let’s find out the different types of ceramic caskets to choose from before you go through the cremation process:

  • Cremation caskets are lighter in weight than you would find with typical metal or wooden burial caskets
  • Cremation caskets still contain unique decorations and embellishments that make them a beautiful alternative to use for funeral viewing and other transportation
  • If you are looking for a beautiful and ornate cremation casket, then you can choose an option that contains unique cushion on the inside for added uxoriousness
  • Rental caskets – If you find that purchasing a cremation casket and cremation process is too expensive for your budget, then you can rent a cremation casket to use from the funeral home to help you afford the entire process. The price of a rental cremation casket is typically upwards of $800, whereas purchasing a cremation casket might cost you up to $1,000. 
  • If you decide to cremate the body for the unreal or the viewing, then you will need to use a cremation casket to lower the body or the ashes into the ground. Usually, the creation caskets will be lowered into the ground for the funeral or it will be burned with the body inside. 

Can I use a cremation casket with a funeral service? 

Many people who are going to respect their loved one’s wishes and cremate their body wonder if they can still have a funeral service. With cremation caskets, you can still use a funeral service! 

This is essential for you and other loved ones are looking to say goodbye to your friend or family member who has died. Since cremation caskets are flammable, you can buy the casket along with the deceased person.


Are you debating using a cremation casket for your loved one? If their last wishes were to be cremated and they still want to have a funeral, then using a cremation casket is the best way that you can respect and honor their choices. 

You can choose what works best for you, by either  renting a cremation casket or purchasing one that will be used to transport the body to the final cremation phase.

