Choosing the Right Liquidity Partner: From Several LPs to a Single PoP


The traditional dominance of commercial banks and major businesses in the forex, cryptocurrency, and other financial sectors has been challenged by the expansion of global money markets, which has created new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises. With digital innovation and online platforms, any business may now establish a strong presence in this global marketplace.

However, starting a brokerage business is still challenging. Becoming a successful retail broker requires having access to reliable and regular liquidity.

In this article, we cover the range of liquidity sources, discuss who prime of prime liquidity firms are, how you can engage with a non-bank liquidity provider, and how to recognise a reputable and quality liquidity provider.

Liquidity Management for Brokerage Success in Forex and Crypto Markets

Securing liquidity is critical to emerging retail brokers entering the cryptocurrency or FX markets. Brokers can offer low rates and a wide selection of currencies to retail traders because liquidity sources give them direct access to enormous pools of capital and order books from central exchanges or other significant market participants. 

New brokerages need to avoid the large initial expenses required to create their own liquidity pools and draw in significant capital.

Getting the required institutional liquidity is usually best achieved by partnering with prime brokers or PoP companies. This strategy highlights the importance of liquidity management by allowing brokerages to match the competitive pricing and spread margins necessary in unpredictable financial markets.

Key Benefits of Reliable Liquidity Sources

First, let’s discuss what benefits liquidity providers bring to your business.

Predictable Operating Costs

Brokerages can precisely project their operating costs by establishing a connection with a liquidity provider, which often entails a monthly service fee. By reducing reliance on institutional loans with variable interest rates, this predictability promotes accurate financial planning.

Facilitated Growth

Scalable liquidity services are essential for brokerages looking to grow beyond their local markets. Growth is made possible by a reliable multi-asset liquidity provider that can quickly expand access to larger capital pools and adapt to rising trade volumes. 

This assistance is necessary so that the brokerage can fulfil the changing expectations of its clients without compromising service throughout the smooth transition to the global market.

Pricing Stability and Efficient Risk Management

Prices in the financial markets are subject to significant fluctuations due to international economic, political, and commercial reasons. Retaining competitiveness requires having fast transaction execution and access to current pricing quotes. 

Trusted liquidity providers make sure brokers have access to the latest order books, which helps them manage risk and prevents the pressure to match competition spreads from eating away at their tight profit margins.

In essence, a brokerage’s capacity to provide stable pricing, control risk, and expand sustainably is mainly dependent on its ability to manage liquidity. This can be achieved through collaborations with tier-1 trading firms or multi-asset liquidity providers.

Considerations for Selecting a Liquidity Partner

Selecting a suitable liquidity partner is critical for the success and expansion of a brokerage. Let’s discuss the essential factors below: 

Pricing and Reputation

To facilitate progressive expansion, make sure the LP’s pricing structure is transparent and compatible with your financial strategy. Fully understand the cost schedule to prevent any surprises. 

Security and Technology

To protect funds, the LP needs to prioritise security by using cutting-edge solutions and frequent updates. In addition, they ought to provide modern digital tools like live data feeds and white-label options to improve your brokerage’s capabilities without raising prices.

Operational Scale

Identify the objectives and business model of your brokerage. Determine your requirements to match LP’s services, whether your goal is to serve a specialised market or a wide range of currency pairs.

Overview of Liquidity Provider Types

Now, discuss the types of LPs that serve brokerage businesses:

  • Tier-1 LPs: These are large financial institutions, such as Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan, that provide a wide range of services at expensive prices that are frequently out of the price range of new brokerages.
  • Regular LPs: They are better suited for brokerages that require simple liquidity solutions. They concentrate on basic transaction execution and limited currency pairings.
  • Prime of Prime LPs: PoPs are a middle-ground option that provides brokerages seeking a balance between service quality and pricing. They offer tier-1 LPs extensive currency choices and services but at more affordable prices. They work together with other financial institutions and prime brokers to offer a wide variety of asset classes and currency pairs.

Efficiency and Value of Prime of Prime Liquidity Providers

By breaking up tier-1 resources into smaller, more manageable chunks, Prime of Prime agencies enable smaller and mid-sized brokerages to access high-tier liquidity services. To ensure affordability, PoPs can offer a $100,000 monthly service from a tier-1 provider in smaller pieces to several clients at a cost of $15,000.

With this strategy, tier-1 firms still earn significant returns while small to mid-sized brokerages benefit from tier-1 services at a lower cost. PoPs are an ideal solution for mid-sized agencies who are faced with the dilemma of high tier-1 fees vs the unsuitable offerings of ordinary LPs.

PoPs increase the diversity and competitiveness of the trading platform by extending brokerage capabilities beyond conventional currency pairs to include indices, energy assets, precious metals, and advanced trading mechanisms like margin trading and CFDs. 

Brokerages looking for complete services without the tier-1 price tag can trust PoPs because of their reputation and dependability, which are guaranteed by their adherence to tight partnership standards with tier-1 firms. 


For brokerage businesses, selecting a trustworthy liquidity partner is essential, especially for startups hoping to establish a good first impression on their audience. PoP providers frequently distinguish themselves as the best option by providing a combination of benefits generally unavailable from other liquidity providers.

