Challenges and Best Practices of SFDC Test


Salesforce is a worldwide popular CRM with increasing popularity and has been used by companies for many years. Lead management, workflow automation, customer relationship management (CRM), sales management, and marketing automation are just a few of the many services it offers. To assist you better understand SFDC test problems and how to effectively exploit these advanced features for more robust testing efforts, we’ll also cover some of Salesforce’s advanced testing features in this piece.

Challenges faced in SFDC Test Automation: 

1) Unit tests are not supported in the Salesforce language. Salesforce has good support for functional and integration testing, but it lacks unit test sets that may be used for entering test data or checking that code works as it is supposed to work. Due to the significant cost of doing so, unit tests may only be written in languages other than Salesforce’s proprietary one.

2) Streamline your workflow with Workflow Automation Visual Flow’s sophistication could make testing it a challenge. To design tests for these components, developers must be very familiar with the Salesforce language, which is a task that many people find challenging.

3) A debug Android package kit is not provided by Salesforce. For security concerns, users are reliant on the Play Store app, which cannot be tinkered with. Therefore, Salesforce’s mobile app is unable to recognize a large number of items.

4) Due to the fact that these lead sources rely on URLs that may vary over time, testing Web-to-Lead scenarios can be difficult. Salesforce must retrieve the right data from a web source, thus developers must either alter the URL field or conduct an update query on a regular basis.

Best Practices of SFDC Test Automation

1) List all test case scenarios and possible technical exceptions. Results and actions to be taken should be documented for each case. Test data should then be developed to validate each scenario, if necessary.

2) Separate classes and controllers for each function are commonly created by software engineers in order to make code portable, legible, and reusable. So, despite the fact that this improves the readability of the code, its efficiency isn’t greatly improved. When the test code is in the original class, portability may be achieved, and there are small possibilities of missing a test class during migration from sandbox to production throughout the migration process.

3) Developers should unit test their code before handing it on to the testers, as this is a good practice. Errors will be caught early on, as a result of this approach to development. As a result, testing/retesting time, as well as bug resolving costs, may be reduced. One more benefit of unit testing is that it helps to create code that is easy to debug and reusable, which is a big plus.

4) In this way, Salesforce innovations may be tested and aligned with the needs of users. An iterative approach to design is proposed by agile approaches. In Agile, the product is designed in small, incremental increments, rather than a single large build. Every sprint, testers work together to re-evaluate the project’s path and make adjustments as necessary after each sprint. As part of the sprint, the company can provide feedback so they can achieve the product they desire.

Conclusion: Salesforce is without a doubt the most well-known CRM product. In order for your organization to remain competitive, you’ll need to perform SFDC tests, maintain, and upgrade the system on a regular basis.

