Audio Setup for Big Room


If you have recently invested in a nice new sound system and soundbar for your entertainment system in the biggest room in your home and are finding it difficult to get the sound just right, don’t sweat it. We’ve all been there at one point in our lives. 

The truth is that you don’t necessarily need a huge sound system, you just need the right size for space you are trying to fill with sound and you need to apply a few key tips, that we are going to discuss in the following post.

Invest in the Right Size of Soundbar for the Room You Are Using It In

The first thing you need to do before you even contemplate buying any soundbars is to consider the size of your room. One of the most important aspects of how to choose a soundbar for your living room is its size. There are several different sizes out there and these help you to scale the sound produced by your television and home theatre to the size of the room. 

While it’s true that you don’t need to invest the biggest always, it does need to be big enough. Although many consumers will choose a soundbar that is the same length of their television’s width and it does look nice like that, it’s the dimensions of your room that is a key consideration when buying both the television and soundbar. 

This might not be any use to you unless you are looking to buy a new television at the same time as a new soundbar, but there is a simple calculation you use. That is, the distance there is from the entertainment center, by taking the size of the television and multiplying that number by 1.5 for standard television and 7.7. for a 4K UHD television. 

For instance, using that calculation, if you have a 42-inch sized television, you should really sit 7-feet from it for the best and most comfortable experience. The great thing is that if you chose a soundbar that matched the width of your television or was a little smaller, it would provide adequate sound. 

Always Switch Off the Inbuilt Speakers on Your Television

TVs generally have low-quality speakers, which is why you are doing the right thing by investing in a soundbar. However, you need to take care of using both the internal speakers of your television and the soundbar can dilute the sounds produced.

If you’ve ever listened to the same sounds coming from different sets of speakers, you will know how much of a distraction that is rather than it is an enhancement. The reason for this is that sound when it is played simultaneously from different sources is at different decibels or frequencies, diluting the quality. 

Fortunately, most modern television sets have been designed to allow you the freedom to switch the internal speakers off. Even if this is not available, though, you could use the mute option or simply turn the volume all the way down to 0. This allows the soundbar to do what it does best.

Invest in Better Quality Cables 

Nowadays, there is a wealth of choice available when it comes to cables for audio systems. You may have a limited budget, but if you are looking to achieve the best sound quality possible, you need to invest in the best quality cables. RCA and AUX, although still used, are outdated.

The cables you should be investing in are HDMI ARC, HDMI, or even optical cables.

There are vital differences you need to consider when choosing the right one. Generally, though, HDMI ae considered the best, as they can relay visual and audio signals. Particularly if you are using different media sources, like the television, set-top box, Blu-Ray player, and a games console.

While the first three tips we have considered are most important, you can also get even better sound quality by investing in a soundbar that supports modern sound tech like DTS or Dolby Atmos and you can adjust the equalizer settings if you are given this option.

While the first three tips we have considered are most important, you can also get even better sound quality by investing in a soundbar that supports modern sound tech like DTS or Dolby Atmos and you can adjust the equalizer settings if you are given this option. Hunting for the right model for your room and your specific audio requirements can be tough, but there are lists of suggested soundbars for large rooms that can help you out, especially when you don’t have an idea where to start. Just remember to follow our tips when filtering the model and you’ll surely be fine.

