Are There Other Cannabinoids Found In CBD Oil? A 2021 Guide for UK CBD Consumers


You’ve likely heard that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most prevalent cannabinoid found in the hemp plant, followed by CBD (cannabidiol), which comes in second. Cannabidiol or CBD is the main ingredient found in CBD oil, but it is rarely alone. Unless you are using a CBD isolate product (these still contain carrier oils), chances are your CBD is being accompanied by other cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.

Using the whole plant, broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum approaches when extracting CBD is gaining popularity amongst manufacturers. Why, you ask? Because these approaches include the extraction of a wide array of the other cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, oils, and waxes as well as CBD.

When these components are combined together with CBD, the result is what is known as the entourage effect, a term which you may have heard if you’ve been researching products.

The entourage effect refers to the effects that users of CBD products feel are heightened because all or most of the naturally occurring phytochemicals of the plant are present in the product. There are more than 40 cannabinoids extracted during the broad-spectrum and full-spectrum extraction processes, as well as a wide range of flavonoids, terpenes, waxes, and oils.

We’ve collaborated with the CBD oil enthusiasts at Hypothesis Journal to bring this guide to you.

Which Cannabinoids Are Commonly Present?

The most prevalent cannabinoid in CBD oils is by far and large cannabidiol (CBD), but it’s usually accompanied by friends. Here are the four main cannabinoids other than cannabidiol (CBD) that are frequently found in products available for purchase today:

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

THCV, or tetrahydrocannabivarin is of a similar structure as that of THC. Their main difference is that they have a different carbon side chain. Another way you may hear them referred to each other is the term homologous which is a scientifically technical term that means they have similar structures but also at least one area they differ.

In relation to THCV and the way it works within the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, it actually has an antagonising effect on one of the receptors. THCV lowers the effect of other cannabinoids on the CB1 receptor in the system. This sounds negative but it actually acts as a moderator.

Cannabichromene (CBC)

Cannabichromene, or CBC, is derived from cannabigerolic acid or CBGA within the hemp plant. It is common for different cannabinoids to share the same point of origin as each other. In CBC’s case, that point of origin, the CBGA, is also shared with both THC and CBD.

Behind THC and CBD, CBC is the third most commonly found cannabinoid in plants within the cannabis genus. Although its point of origin is shared with that of THC and CBD, the way CBC acts inside the body is not. It is known to have a low rate of success bonding to CB1 receptors within the endocannabinoid system. It is more likely to adhere to two other receptors found outside of the ECS known as TRPV1 and TRPA1.

These transient receptors’ are known to monitor and respond to temperature changes. Cannabinoids interacting with receptors outside of the endocannabinoid system is an intriguing point and merits a whole other area to be explored by scientists.

This is just another reminder that research into the effects of cannabinoids and how they interact with our bodies is ever-developing and in its infancy. There is so much more to discover.

Cannabigerol (CBG)

As mentioned in the previous section, cannabigerolic acid, or CBG acid, is the source point of several different cannabinoids found within the hemp plant. Take away the acidic portion, and you have cannabigerol (CBG). CBG is present in much lower amounts than the other main cannabinoids in this list.

CBG is non-psychotropic, meaning it does not supply the feeling of being high or stoned to users like the psychotropic properties in THC do. Instead, it shares that non-psychotropic status that CBD has.

Research into cannabigerol is still needed, but since it shares properties with the point of origin of the top three cannabinoids, it’s a sure thing that interesting data awaits researchers. Nutra CBD, a CBD oil company located in Netherlands uses CBG as their second most prominent cannabinoid in their “CBD olie” product range.

Cannabinol (CBN)

CBN is a psychotropic element that doesn’t naturally occur in hemp plants… it is created with some outside help. It’s created by the oxidation of THC. When THC is exposed to the air, it degrades and will eventually end up CBN. 

While found more commonly in older hemp plants, CBN is almost always present in CBD oil at low levels. This is because when hemp is harvested and stored (sometimes in bales), oxidation occurs and voila, you have CBN.  

Canna tetra menes and ols… isn’t terminology fun? While their names are often very similar, each of these four main cannabinoids found in CBD oil are unique in their own ways. 

Understanding all of the top cannabinoids and how they interact with one another as well as how they act in our bodies is an important science for manufacturers in the CBD industry. It’s also important information for consumers! The more you know about CBD, the better off your experience will be when choosing products, figuring out proper dosing for you, etc. If you arm yourself with knowledge, you are more likely to find a product that gets you your desired effect.

The internet is full of information about CBD and it can be hard to judge what sites are reputable. Blessed CBD is a small family-run business that offers high quality CBD. If you need more information regarding CBD oil products, how to use CBD, the difference between hemp and marijuana, visit their website’s FAQ section. 

You’ll find answers to those questions and more. BlessedCBD has third-party lab reports readily available on their site so you can see yourself the level of quality they offer in their products.

Or you can go directly to their web shop to buy their CBD oils, creams, capsules and gummies.

#1 CBD Oil UK recognition and awards won by Blessed CBD (2021):


