Collaborative learning – Need of the hour!


How would you define collaboration? To put it simply, collaboration results from multiple minds coming together to solve a problem originally and thoroughly. As a result, the partnership encourages members to share their perspectives and contribute ideas that strengthen the final product. The concept of “Collaborative Learning” is clearly defined from that perspective.  And that’s the exact reason collaborative learning is the next step in developing LMS eLearning!

The eLearning revolution brought about new tools and technology such as LMS like 360Learning to provide a more advanced eLearning solution. Supporting L&D departments with learning content management is an LMS’s primary function. Managers can move employees from one course to another, keep track of their progress, and reward them for completing their training. When LMS is combined with Collaborative Learning, rather than L&D developing and transferring information, everyone may participate by suggesting courses, making changes to existing ones, and enrolling in training programs. Users take on more responsibility for learning and development in a collaborative setting. 

Rather than L&D being responsible for employee-centric tasks, employees can take advantage of self-paced learning opportunities, assess their development, and advocate for the relevance of training courses. During this period, L&D can assess the gaps or ambiguities and implement changes to address them. Because of the development of LMS, collaborative learning has become an integral part of e-learning. When users are given access to an LMS like 360 learning, they can participate in simple and effective forms of collaborative learning, accelerating their overall learning experience. Forums, live chats, whiteboards, and social networking sites all serve as learning resources for staff members to pick up tips and tricks from one another.

Why Collaborative learning is important?

Develop Skills and Knowledge:

Working in a team environment helps complete a common goal and promotes the development of a wide range of skills and knowledge. Employees get basic social skills like undivided attention and perspective-taking through observing and learning from various workers. The ability to manage one’s life, think critically and make sound decisions are just two examples of the self-improvement skill sets that might emerge from such an opportunity. However, when people from different backgrounds work together, everyone benefits.

The learning process in a collaborative setting is quick, fluid, and efficient:

With significant global events like Covid-19 and important workplace trends like digital transformation, companies are adapting, and technology is developing faster than ever. For your employees to keep up with the rapid pace of development, consider adopting a Collaborative Learning platform that allows you to publish and create new courses easily. Training and development (L&D) move from an executing role to a supporting one in a collaborative system. Instead of L&D sitting down once a quarter to calculate training needs, employees can bring them to light as they arise, turning training needs analysis into a continuous process. As a result, L&D will have more time on their hands to devote to bridging the skill and knowledge gaps mentioned above.

Moreover, in-house content creation is made possible by your Collaborative Learning platform. Avoiding the mass-market, generic courses favoring the more niche topics, will save you money. Courses can be made more quickly, allowing for informal training, and highlighting modifications in process or policy that may only be in effect for a short period. Training materials can be rapidly revised in response to new information or employee comments. Due to this, the content is more precise and affordable compared to the standard LMS course development process.

Let us now explore how an LMS can facilitate learner collaboration.

Saves Time:

An LMS serves as a central hub where users can access and study content that can be accessed, updated, and delivered anywhere. But think of a learning management system (LMS) built around employee collaboration; problems would be solved, and questions answered right where they arise. A powerful collaborative learning system guarantees that staff can quickly access relevant data, saving the important thing, time.

Get the most out of learner-created content:

Social learning can be facilitated through your LMS by tapping into learner-generated material. To encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing between learners, encourage them to upload their original content to your learning management system (LMS). Your learners can benefit by compiling and sharing relevant content such as articles, videos, and blogs. Learners can rate content posted by their colleagues and comment on the content presented. Each month, you can give money to the person who made the video with the most creative answer.


Instead of taking the same old path and using the same old learning methodologies, collaborative learning and related learning management systems concentrate on what’s truly important for workers. It provides more timely, relevant material and focuses on achieving a specific goal. The world urgently requires people with practical knowledge and, more specifically, the knowledge that can be used to create new inventions. Collaborative learning excels in this respect.


