5 Steps to Strategizing a Strong Criminal Defense


Getting arrested and being charged with a crime is a nerve-wracking experience when you know your life, freedom, reputation, and financial stability are on the line. Your chances of walking away from the situation depend entirely on the expertise of the Orlando criminal defense attorney and the solid criminal defense they build for you. Once you’ve hired competent legal representation, you can start working with the attorney to create a detailed strategy that will effectively prove your innocence. Here are some of the steps your lawyer will go through to present your case in court.

Step 1 – Disclosing Every Last Detail

Your lawyer is now your confidant and champion who will present your side of the story. Provide them will every last detail of the situation exactly as you remember it. If you suspect you’re responsible or have any piece of evidence that may implicate you, now is the time to let the attorney know. Take care to avoid the possibility of surprises and unexpected witnesses coming forward to testify. Once the lawyer has a clear overview of what exactly happened, they will be in a position to build a robust and personalized strategy to defend you. 

Step 2 – Collecting Evidence

Keep in mind that the state has the burden of proof, and prosecutors must collect all the evidence possible to prove your guilt. Similarly, your lawyer will gather any items that can help in your defense. They may visit the scene to take photographs and talk to witnesses who may have been present during the alleged “crime.” Experienced lawyers are sometimes skilled investigators, or they may hire specialists to help them collect documents and any other paperwork. Most importantly, your lawyer will contact the prosecutor and request information on the evidence the DA will use to prove the case against you. 

Step 3 – Discussing the Best Course of Action

Having understood the facts of the case, the lawyer will help you decide on the best course of action. Depending on the circumstances, you could get the charge dismissed entirely. That can happen if the attorney is confident that there isn’t adequate evidence to implicate you. If the charges are not filed, the lawyer may contact the prosecutor and present arguments proving that the allegations are false and the complainant was mistaken. Presenting a sold alibi proving that you were not present at the scene with reliable witnesses could also prompt the prosecutor to withdraw the case. Alternatively, you could consider accepting a plea bargain where you’ll confess lesser charges in exchange for a lenient sentence.

Step 4 – Creating a Compelling Story

The next step involves putting together a compelling story to prove your case to the jury. Your lawyer must present a strong narrative for the opening statement. The objective is to persuade the jurors of the defendant’s innocence and convince them to return a not-guilty verdict even if the prosecution is unable to provide adequate proof. Defense strategies can play out in different angles, and a smart lawyer can choose the most likely theme to create a favorable first impression for you. Jury members should view you as a wronged human being or just an ordinary person who made a mistake or misread a situation and acted without thinking. 

Step 5 – Prepping for Court

Having created a strong defense strategy, the attorney will now prep you for court. They’ll direct you on how to dress and answer questions in court. Mock trials, practice sessions, and details of what to expect in court will alleviate some of your nervousness and help you feel confident. 

You are now ready to face the court and prove your innocence.

