10 Common Questions You Need to Ask Your OB/GYN


Pregnancy is a wonderful but also difficult and scary time for women, especially when taking into account the various changes a pregnant woman has to go through just to bring new life into this world.

This is especially true if this is the first pregnancy and you have little to no idea what this chapter of your life will entail. Because of this, you may have plenty of questions you want to ask your OB/GYN – so many that you don’t even know where to begin.

To help you give some semblance of order to your questions and reduce the associated overwhelming feeling, here are some of the top questions you should ask your OB/GYN during your prenatal appointments.

  1. How often do I need to visit my OB/GYN for prenatal appointments?

Regular visits to your OB/GYN is important, especially during the last few weeks of your pregnancy. However, this can vary, depending on your condition and whether or not your case is a delicate one. Just make sure to stick to the schedule assigned by your doctor, even when it’s difficult to do so. 

Regular prenatal appointments are necessary to ensure that the whole process goes as smoothly as possible. This will prevent complications from happening as your OB/GYN can monitor your condition and reduce the chances of having problems throughout the entire experience.

Prenatal appointments will also allow you to see how well your baby is developing – an event that can be extremely exciting, especially when it comes to first-time mothers. 

  1. What kind of lifestyle changes do I need to make to ensure a safe pregnancy?

Your body will undergo many changes during this time and this entails making some lifestyle changes to adapt to your situation. To know what kind of changes you need to make, you need to consult your OB/GYN.

He or she will be able to tell you the necessary changes you need to undergo to adapt and ensure your baby’s development goes well.

  1. What kind of changes should I expect during this time?

Another common question many women have is what are the changes they can expect during this chapter of their lives. Learning what the various changes you can expect while carrying a child will allow you to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and be more well-informed and equipped to handle the said changes.

  1. What are the common complications pregnant women experience?

Another important question is knowing about the risks or complications you may encounter during this time are. You should also ask what can cause these complications so you may know what you need to avoid to reduce the chances of encountering these complications.

  1. Do I need to take prenatal supplements?

Prenatal supplements contain essential vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy. Ideally, these should come from the food you eat, but this can prove to be difficult which is why some doctors recommend taking prenatal vitamins. However, this will depend on your OB/GYN so it’s best to ask him or her before adding it to your routine.

  1. Are there common medications that I should avoid?

“Since medications can have side effects and they vary from case to case, doctors usually advise pregnant women to not take anything without a go signal from them. Because the effects may vary, consulting your OB/GYN is something you should do, especially if you have maintenance medication,”cautions Dr.Stavros S, an OBGyn specialist at Doctorspring. He adds,”Their access to your history and their continuous monitoring of your condition will allow them to prescribe the right medication for your needs and advise you on what you should do.”

  1. What food do I need to avoid eating during this time?

Certain food has effects on our bodies, especially during delicate times such as pregnancies. Therefore, to avoid experiencing complications, it’s best if you ask your OB/GYN if there are certain foods that you need to avoid while pregnant.

Your doctor may restrict some food or drinks that may affect the development of your baby.

  1. Is it safe to be intimate with my partner during this time?

Depending on how sensitive your pregnancy is, your doctor may prohibit you from engaging in intercourse with your partner during this time altogether. However, if your pregnancy isn’t delicate, your OB/GYN may allow you to be intimate with your partner but with certain conditions and only until a certain time.

  1. Is it safe for me to travel while pregnant?

Similar to the previous question, this will depend on your case. Some pregnancies are more delicate than others and doctors might order bed rest to avoid complications during the pregnancy. 

As for air travel, airlines have their policies regarding this, often prohibiting pregnant women in their third trimester from traveling as this will place too much stress on them. However, this is up to the discretion of both the airline and your doctor.

  1. How often should I see my OB/GYN after giving birth?

Like with prenatal appointments, postnatal visits to your OB/GYN is necessary to ensure that everything is well after giving birth. However, this will depend on the discretion of your doctor on how often and whether or not it’s needed.

Aside from your OB/GYN, you will need to see a pediatrician as well to ensure your baby is doing well and their growth and development are as it should be.

Final Thoughts

Consulting with your OB/GYN will not just allow you to receive the answers to your questions but it will also allow you to prepare accordingly and ensure your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible and that your baby is healthy and well during this time as well as after you give birth. 

Just make sure to listen well to the instructions of your doctor as this will ensure your baby’s proper growth and development as well as your safety and well-being during this wonderful yet difficult time. 

