Charlotte’s About To Witness A Super Blue Blood Moon – The First One in 134 Years


On the morning of January 31st, one of the rarest phenomena will be visible over Charlotte’s night sky – a Super Blue Blood Moon.

The last time one was seen was back in 1886 – the same year the statue of liberty was dedicated.

The components of the Super Blue Blood Moon are not overly rare in themselves, but the combination of all three on the same night is what will make January 31st an exceedingly special night.

A supermoon is the point of the moon’s orbit when it’s at its closest to Earth – its perigee – when it appears up to 14% larger and about 30% brighter than normal. A calendar year can see up to four supermoons.

A blue moon happens when 2 full moons occur in the same month, it usually happens every few years (or ‘once in a blue moon’), but there will actually be another one happening this coming March.

A blood moon is another name for a lunar eclipse, which happens when the moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, making it appear slightly reddish in color.

In Charlotte, however, we will only be witnessing a partial lunar eclipse (so technically we’ll be seeing a Super Blue Partial-Blood Moon). You will have to travel west to see a full lunar eclipse (full Blood Moon). Denver will be one of the first cities in the United States to see the entire event. Totality begins in Denver at 05:51 a.m. Mountain Standard Time, and ends at 07:07 a.m., just minutes before moon-set.

In Charlotte, the partial lunar eclipse will begin at 6:48am, it will be at its maximum point at 7:10am, and the moon will set at 7:21am.

At its maximum point, the moon will be visible at 289° WNW;

