The Best PDF Merging Hacks You Need to Know


PDF documents are easy to share, they are reliable and universally accepted. At the same time, the format has important limitations, such as complicated merger. Discover useful ideas that will help you create professional-looking documents in seconds.

PDF is more flexible than you may think, although the native functionality on Mac and Windows is very limited. For example, combining PDFs and other files is impossible. Third-party tools unlock a wide range of opportunities. You can download PDF combiner by CoolUtils and create customizable documents with advanced security settings.

1. How to Combine Files

There are two ways to join PDFs together — online or offline. In the first case, you may use free websites that merge the documents you upload. Usually, they have modest functionality without customization. You may only rearrange the pages and choose between downloading the output and emailing it. Besides, this method does not work for confidential data, large files, or big numbers of PDFs. 

Alternatively, documents may be merged on your computer — quickly, conveniently, and securely. Different third-party programs offer different functionality, but some of them are amazingly versatile. Even hundreds of files are merged in seconds, and you may also use other formats, such as JPEG or XLS. Customization includes modification of the layout (for example, you may add headers or footers as you see fit) and access (password and user permissions).

2. Create Smooth Navigation

Files containing hundreds of pages are impossible to navigate smoothly without bookmarks and a table of contents. Third-party software will allow you to generate both. For example, you may be able to add bookmarks manually, load them from a file, or have them generated based on titles. The table of contents will also be clickable, so finding the necessary chapter will require one click.

3. Change Layout and Add Details

Include any suitable details in the header or footer of the combined document. For instance, you may want to specify copyright details, insert page counters, the name of your company, etc. The settings wizard will help you modify the content in seconds.

4. Protect Sensitive Data and Prepare for e-Discovery

Offline combiners let you insert your digital signature into the document and make it suitable for archiving and e-discovery. The options include bates numbering, password setup, and user permissions. 

More Opportunities

These are some of the most impressive things you can do with your PDF files. Professional software comes with a trial period, so you can merge your documents for free and see how it works. Some of these products come with a lifetime license, so the value for money is undeniable. Every new merger is cheaper, and you can join as many files as you like — even hundreds of them.

