This Concord Chinese Restaurant Was Caught Bringing Roadkill Into The Kitchen


Sunny Chen, the owner of Concord’s ‘China Fun’ restaurant has apologized for what he called a mistake, after being caught dragging a dead dear into the back of his restaurant;

A woman who had previously had food delivered from the restaurant noticed the same care on the side of the road loading up a dead dear that appeared to be roadkill. The Chinese restaurant’s Nissan Versa then transported the deer to the back parking lot of China Fun over the weekend.

china_fun_concordThe woman immediately called the Cabarrus County Health Department began investigating the incident.

The owner, Sunny Chen, told a WSOC reporter that he stopped to pick up the deer on the side of the road because he had never tried it before, and that he didn’t intend on serving it to guests.

According to WSOC, the health department confirmed that the deer had been cut up in the restaurant’s parking lot and brought inside to the sink.

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