GigaPower Coming To Gastonia with 100x Faster Internet Speeds


At&t gigapower in GastoniaA few months after Google Fiber announced that it was launching in Charlotte, AT&T announced that it would launch their new ‘GigaPower’ in Gastonia. Google Fiber and AT&T’s GigaPower are now engaged in a nationwide race to see who can build the biggest fiber network that offers 1,000 megabits – or 1 gigabit – per second internet speed.

AT&T’s new Gastonia plan includes the construction of several stations around the Gaston County, with thousands of miles of cable running above and beneath the streets, connecting each home with internet speeds 100 times faster than we have now.


It will be the first company to offer speeds inside county lines of anything even close to one gigabit per second. This means that for anyone who wants to sign up, no more video buffering problems, slow upload and download speeds, or lag times on the internet.

AT&T is claiming that you will be able to download 25 songs in less than a second, a TV show in less three seconds or an entire high definition movie in little more than half a minute.

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