County About To Spend $1 Million on Phase 1 Of New 200 Acre Park


200 acre midlands parkCounty officials have just unveiled plans for the county’s biggest park, which will eventually include about 190 acres of biking and hiking trails, as well as water ways, docks, and a fishing pier.

Rob Wallace Park will be situated just off U.S. highway 601 near Wallace Road. The massive park will also feature conventional and natural playgrounds, picnic shelters, paddleboats, an outdoor classroom, possible aerial parks, and a disc golf coarse.

The county is now spending $1 million for Phase 1, now planned to be completed in 2016.

Many of the features incorporate the natural surroundings, with a ‘natural playground’ planned to include play units made from using natural elements like downed trees as wildlife habitats, stumps as stepping blocks and vines to make swings.

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