Charlotte Joined Other Cities Around The World In Marching Against Human Trafficking


If you were in Uptown at all today, you may have noticed a sizable group of protesters in black shirts.

The march was organized by a group called “A21”:

Yesterday they launched a massive global fundraising and awareness event called #WalkForFreedom that took place in 270 locations across 39 countries.

A21 is a global anti-trafficking organization dedicated to rescuing and restoring the
lives of human trafficking victims around the world. The purpose of the walk is to shine a spotlight on the 27 million men, women, and children who are still trapped in slavery today.

Human trafficking continues to be a major problem in the city of Charlotte, but the FBI in coorporation with the CMPD is increasing its efforts to take down the major rings.

There are also several non-profits in Charlotte that are helping rescue women and transitioning back into society, such as Justice Ministries, and Redeeming Joy.

This recent video produced by The National Geographic gives a raw look at the Human Trafficking problem in Charlotte;

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